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Most downloads over all time
130261-130280 of all 180,534 gems.
130,2614,123exact_matrix_coverImplementation of D.Knuth 'dancing links' algorithm to solve the exact cover problem.
130,2614,123glebtv-compass-railsIntegrate Compass into Rails 3.0 and up.
130,2614,123taulukkoGenerates easy grepable and cutable tables
130,2614,123gwt-runstart gwt-shell with rack or rails backend
130,2614,123a-ruby-promiseA Ruby Promise implementation that attempts to comply with the Promises/A+ specificatio...
130,2614,123cexio-websocketGem to listen updates via websocket
130,2614,123recently_ps4_gamesWith this gem, you can see the lists of new and upcoming PS4 games and inquire the deta...
130,2614,123inboxerSend web pages to your inbox as html or PDF
130,2614,123ruby_contextRun your code inside of a context, like in Reactjs context API
130,2614,123aws_beanstalk_tunkkiTool for deploying your app to AWS ElasticBeanstalk.
130,2614,123gov-reposEasy Ruby access to US federal government GitHub repos
130,2614,123rail_grinderInterrogate and update the version of a gem used by a fleet of apps
130,2614,123state_machine_checkerVerify properties of your state machines.
130,2614,123newmy-pluginTOD: Write a gem description
130,2614,123spree_zones_by_zip_codeAllows for zoning by zip codes
130,2614,123arisu_gem_testJust test for making gem.
130,2614,123sprockets-jst-strSlurps template into a JavaScript string for use with Sprockets JST functionality
130,2614,123dhl_memnosyneTrack DHL shipment.
130,2804,122role_callDescribe the roles and permissions of your system with clear, testable, self-documentin...