Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
131581-131600 of all 180,872 gems.
131,5524,100pinterest-shareSharing url for Pinterest
131,5824,099chef-etcdEtcd-Chef bindings
131,5824,099guard-strainerWatch for changes in your chef-repo or cookbook and automatically run Strainer
131,5824,099scrumblerScrambles the interiors of words, leaving the first and last letters intact!
131,5824,099redcarpet-manpageUNIX man page renderer for Redcarpet2
131,5824,099neat-spreadsheetSimplify the task of building a spreadsheet in Rails. This gem is based on the Spreadsh...
131,5824,099transparencia_alagoasThis Gem abstract the access to Portal da Transparencia de Alagoas Rest API, making pos...
131,5824,099gitwalkerLists all git repositories in a master directory with the status of the repository
131,5824,099jekyll-theme-simple-blogSimple Blog Theme is a clean, responsive blogging theme for Jekyll and GitHub Pages, wi...
131,5824,099dragonfly-imaginaryDragonfly plugin for Imaginary.
131,5824,099sixarm_ruby_geocode_addressSixArm Ruby Gem: sixarm_ruby_geocode_address
131,5824,099fancy-gallery-railsFancy Gallery packaged for Rails asset pipeline
131,5824,099SimpleGCMA simple library for connecting and communicating with Google Cloud Messaging
131,5824,099coatiA simple utility that hides instance variables inside Ruby objects
131,5824,099ordinalizatronAdds each_with_ordinal_number iterator to collections.
131,5824,099transbankActive Merchant Integration with Transbank Webpay
131,5824,099anticaptcha-anti-captchaanti-captcha is a Ruby library for recognize captcha on
131,5824,099silver_motherA library for communicating with the SilverMotherREST API. Register your application at...