Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
131561-131580 of all 182,339 gems.
131,5524,196harness-actioncontrollerFoward ActionController's internal metrics to Harness
131,5524,196bitly-client-legacyExtremely simple one-way URL shortener client for
131,5524,196shittyLet's write some shit
131,5524,196my_string_extend_baikiThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,5524,196xtraceXTrace is a gem to evaluate .xt trace files generated by the XDebug PHP extension
131,5524,196spree_zones_by_zip_codeAllows for zoning by zip codes
131,5524,196my_string_extend_lvThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,5524,196drabMake DRb great again!
131,5524,196capybara_wysihtml5Interact with wysihtml5 text areas with capyabara
131,5524,196fluent-plugin-dashingFluentd output plugin to post data to dashing
131,5524,196breadyBready is a tool for building breadcrumbs
131,5524,196fried-coreHolds generic constants shared across fried library set
131,5524,196typographer-addonsAdditional plugins for typographer gem
131,5524,196TokenizerProjectUTA simple multilingual tokenizer for NLP tasks. This tool provides a CLI and a library f...
131,5524,196runspellRunspell is a wrapper to hunspell lib (not RubyInline version). All code is taken from ...
131,5524,196rfreechartA thin jruby wrapper for jfreechart (mainly just a way to load the jars in a structured...
131,5774,195scratch_pad-widgets-copyrightWidget gem for ScratchPad
131,5774,195dio-railsDependency Injection for Rails
131,5774,195rbtags# RbTags # RbTags is a replacement for ctags (and rtags) for Ruby.
131,5774,195time_spentGiven a array of markings like '['8:00', '9:00']'