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132061-132080 of all 180,518 gems.
132,0514,035omniauth-loctouchOmniAuth strategy for Loctouch
132,0514,035cassandra_datumCassandra backed ORM
132,0514,035bullhorn-restRuby wrapper for the Bullhorn REST API
132,0514,035synonym_scrapperEnglish: Gem that scrapes spanish synonyms from various sources. Currently three so...
132,0514,035elo-worldA simple elo world gem
132,0514,035rubioA DSL to interact with the Rdio API
132,0514,035time_tag_in_wordsExample rails plugin for a talk on publishing ruby gems
132,0514,035state_machine_settersAdds setter methods based off of state machine transitions to allow triggering state ch...
132,0514,035solaris-prototypeParse and write Solaris package prototype records
132,0514,035configuralEasy configuration file management
132,0514,035tweetsentimentsA Ruby wrapper for the REST APIs
132,0514,035rrantHave you ever wanted to read your devRant in console? Now you can!
132,0514,035matthewrudy-primetableA command line tool which takes an input N, and prints the first N prime numbers in a m...
132,0514,035andyh-xttcA command line bot for working with XTT, ENTP's rad time tracking app
132,0754,034RepartoExectue commands on multiple computers
132,0754,034form_modelA Library to create Form objects to encapsulate forms
132,0754,034blink_stickControl your BlinkStick
132,0754,034faderubyFadecandy LED driver client using the OpenPixelControl protocol
132,0754,034tmuxodoroPomodoro timer for tmux
132,0754,034motherforkerSnappy Ruby process launcher daemon.