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Most downloads over all time
132001-132020 of all 182,301 gems.
131,9854,173yunicorn_mixinssome of mixins I recently created.
132,0024,172picotestTest pico framework. One-line test suite
132,0024,172cifCryptosphere Identity Format (CIF) parser/generator
132,0024,172zenweb-textileA plugin for zenweb to process .textile files with RedCloth
132,0024,172roxAn Open-Xchange HTTP API client library
132,0024,172record_sortA gem to sort a record...
132,0024,172gate_policePermission for rails library
132,0024,172mesh_yaml_adapterMesh Yaml Adapter
132,0024,172full_titleA simple gem for creating titles in HTML
132,0024,172holiaA simple hello world gem
132,0024,172status_checkGem allows easy implementation of a status endpoint in your project. ...
132,0024,172kschadeck-active_shippingGet rates and tracking info from various shipping carriers.
132,0024,172tinyqTinyQ is a message broker with a simple JSON based protocol
132,0024,172cottonCotton is a JRuby exclusive Web Application Framework. It takes the best of Ruby frame...
132,0024,172freshmakerA simple API wrapper for Freshmaker.
132,0024,172file_managementSimple file management program to allow CRUD like functions to a single directory.
132,0024,172typofixerputs を purs とか typo したときに推測して puts を呼び出したうえでログを出力するデバッガ的なあれ
132,0024,172umka_juggernautumka has fixed a problem in the maccman's juggernaut gem, and this is just a build for ...
132,0024,172bc-require-google-authForces users to login through google OAuth2 using Rack::Session and OmniAuth
132,0024,172wireframe-resque_unitTest::Unit support for resque job queueing