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132021-132040 of all 180,689 gems.
132,0204,053graph-railsGraph generator for rails.
132,0204,053tea_coreTea Core SDK for Ruby
132,0204,053hola_yamat47A simple hello world gem.
132,0204,053tec_uploadis one gem of upload to rails: Description of TecUpload.
132,0204,053guard-elixirGuard::Elixir automatically runs Elixir 'mix' tests
132,0204,053collapseCollapse directories
132,0204,053google_scraperScrapes first 10 pages of google with given query
132,0204,053stunStun client
132,0204,053speculateTool for assuming roles in AWS accounts
132,0204,053rswtA thin jruby wrapper for SWT (mainly just for loading the jars in a structured way)
132,0204,053dmexe_rabbitmq_http_api_clientRabbitMQ HTTP API client for Ruby
132,0204,053poRuby implementation of the Page Object pattern
132,0204,053subalternan interpreter of a subset of Ruby, written in Ruby
132,0204,053evilmarty_activity_streamA Gem for the plugin:
132,0204,053risk_of_burnsUses James Shore's method to calculate risk-adjusted burn-up.
132,0204,053todayilearnedTIL stands for "Today, I learned..." and helps you keep track of things you've learned ...
132,0204,053roll-ampUtilities to simplify Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) implementation in Rails apps
132,0204,053under_rackUnderRack is a Ruby Framework for you understand Rack
132,0204,053spanglifyEngish to Spanglish translation