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134521-134540 of all 180,507 gems.
134,5213,908infraredToolkit to manage an independent service provider.
134,5213,908warm-blanketRuby gem for warming up web services on boot
134,5213,908flat2treeTransform flat list into (reverse) dependency tree
134,5213,908shapeslibA library for manipulating and calculating shapes.
134,5213,908manicsvMost of our data describe more or less the same real world objects. And csv or any othe...
134,5213,908slice_pizzabotBot for pizza delivery
134,5213,908cocoapods-lhj-binA short description of cocoapods-lhj-bin.
134,5213,908gem-checksumgem checksum [gem]
134,5213,908say_helloThe first Gem example. The gem just can say hello to someone!
134,5213,908sequel_authPlugin to add authentication methods to Sequel Model
134,5213,908solidus_product_bundleAdds oportunity to make bundle of products to your Spree store
134,5213,908berkshelf-hgA Berkshelf plugin that adds support for downloading Chef cookbooks from Mercurial (hg)...
134,5213,908motion_stripestripe-ios wrapper for rubymotion
134,5213,908rspec-statsdReport status and duration of RSpec runs to statsd
134,5213,908vizi_loggerThis gem module provides a logger class and a log formatter class that will create ...
134,5213,908srsA Spaced Repetition System is a study tool which works by spacing out exercises so as ...
134,5213,908astariskDraw a graph of node tree of RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree
134,5213,908active_monitoringThis is an example gem used in my RailsConf 2020 talk. Please don't use in production! ...