Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
134541-134560 of all 180,507 gems.
134,5213,908utkarshsoniFoodie gem desc
134,5213,908capistrano-mvnmaven deployment tasks for capistrano v3
134,5433,907bahuvrihi-biomass-data_explorerdata_explorer task library
134,5433,907vostok-railsSick pg import for rails
134,5433,907minitest-em-syncLess-callbacks helper for EventMachine and minitest
134,5433,907marz-rsyncMarz/Rsync is a Ruby library wrapper for the rsync binary
134,5433,907krisl_gemBy golly, you must be Jolly!
134,5433,907soonje_2_2File to Clipboard gem
134,5433,907fast_excel_railsA Rails template handler for the fast_excel gem.
134,5433,907glenn2awesomeAwesome is what gems do best.
134,5433,907jammit-instructureJammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...
134,5433,907thyrgrimTest gem
134,5433,907k-versionifyParser for version strings such as "1.2.3".
134,5433,907framy_mp3FramyMP3 is a simple library for working with and merging mp3 files in Ruby.
134,5433,907vagrant-moshVagrant plugin to use Mosh to connect to box
134,5433,907mailinabox-apiMail-in-a-box: Ruby API Client to interact with the API endpoints
134,5433,907amethystA placeholder until I come up with a better use for the namespace.
134,5433,907diablo3_apiSimple Ruby client for Diablo 3 API
134,5433,907hypetextA gem that provides a simple and dirty HTTP client that handles get, post, and automati...
134,5433,907rapidomizeConnect to Rapidomize cloud with Ruby