Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
134561-134580 of all 180,507 gems.
134,5433,907rails-sandbox-busterjsRun your Buster.js tests/specs taking full advantage of the Rails Assets Pipeline
134,5433,907borA backbone generator for your Rails models
134,5433,907bahuvrihi-syckleA sick little syck loader.
134,5433,907bloodbathThe Bloodbath Ruby library provides convenient access to the Bloodbath APIfrom applicat...
134,5433,907activerecord-pg_collationWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
134,5433,907nice_asset_carrierwaveA nice way of handling assets coming in from Carrierwave
134,5683,906ez_downloadAdds an `EzDownload` module with a single class-level method, `open`, which takes a URL...
134,5683,906memqSimple and lightweight memcached based queue solution
134,5683,906ember-auth-module-timeoutable-railsEmber-auth timeoutable module for Rails
134,5683,906each_in_batches-RobertAudiBatch Processing of Records with Blocks in Rails
134,5683,906voteable_jimfinnthe best voting gem ever
134,5683,906dorian-sort-jsonSorts keys of hashes of JSON files e.g. `sort-json package.json`
134,5683,906rails_docDescription of RailsDoc.
134,5683,906attr_settingSupplies macro similar to attr_accessor that adds default values, predicate methods, an...
134,5683,906watson-developer-cloudRuby client library to use the Watson Developer Cloud services, a collection of APIs th...
134,5683,906capistrano_auto_ssh_agentEnsures ssh-agent is running before deploy
134,5683,906vokeMinimal CLI
134,5683,906sa-detectorSimple gem for searching and sorting data.
134,5683,906simple_i18nA simple internationalization library foreasily creating multilanguage ruby program