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135021-135040 of all 180,434 gems.
135,0163,870capistrano-mod-groupChange group of shared files/folders and add group writable bit
135,0163,870slim-serverslim-server provides drb server to compile slim template engine. It is useful when you ...
135,0163,870periodic_table_jasnowProvide periodic table data.
135,0163,870fexprFloating point fexpr
135,0163,870hookeCreates a soft link from git_hooks \ directory to .git/hooks on bundle install
135,0163,870stories-cliCLI for Pivotal Tracker powered by pivotal_tracker: jsmestad/pivotal-tracker
135,0163,870backbone-radio-railsRails asset wrapper for
135,0163,870smokeitEasy simple smoketests
135,0163,870bankai-dockerThe easist docker template for Rails
135,0163,870guinea_pigVery simple ABTest functionality for Ruby, based in ActiveRecord and with Rails 3 gener...
135,0163,870tweet-wordsThis is the gem to sort and print the words in a given twitter user’s last 'n' tweets s...
135,0163,870cocoapods-remove-duplicatesremove the duplicate .a .framework in pod install.
135,0163,870minitest_change_assertionsProvides assertions for your Minitest suite to determine if an object has been changed.
135,0343,869aremLike Arel. Without the database. With a remote API.
135,0343,869passenger-oob-gcRun the Ruby Garbage Collection (GC) outside of the Passenger request cycle.
135,0343,869unite_parserParse the analytics file from Unite for Adtag
135,0343,869carrierwave_backgrounder_sequelSequel support for CarrierWave Backgrounder
135,0343,869fiber_scheduler_specFiber scheduler spec
135,0343,869spitterTakes nice Ruby parameter hashes and spits out whatever crap you need it to.
135,0343,869rightscript_syncRightScript Sync is a utility to synchronize all scripts in a RightScale account with t...