Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135941-135960 of all 181,049 gems.
135,9363,891mongo-sugarProvide a syntatic sugar for MongoDB ruby driver, similar to an ORM.
135,9363,891jmenu-railsjMenu jquery plugin for rails
135,9363,891github_authorized_keysPulls all of the keys for all members of an organization from GitHub
135,9363,891switch_connectionSwitching database connection between readonly one and writable one.
135,9363,891slow_your_rolesEasy role authorization in Rails ported from an unmaintained library
135,9363,891bjreath-ciscoRuby gem for interacting with Cisco routers via telnet
135,9363,891telegram_web_proxyA simple web proxy bot for Telegram
135,9363,891lp-ec2-stop-instanceStops EC2 Instance
135,9363,891stativusStativus provides a way to define state in a client facing application. It is a port o...
135,9363,891antlr-gemeratorGenerate a complete Rubygem from any ANTLR4 grammar.
135,9533,890irs_formsGenerate IRS forms with your data
135,9533,890crafting_tableCrafting assistant for Minecraft.
135,9533,890fbpThe Fpb gem provides support for Flow Based Programming for Ruby. Flow Based programmin...
135,9533,890chef-sugar-dipAn extension to the awesome "chef-sugar" gem produced by Seth Vargo.
135,9533,890optifyThis gem provides ruby bindings for the Optify API, allowing you to access the visitor ...
135,9533,890marvelousIt's maaaahvelous!
135,9533,890multi_typografA generic swappable back-end for typographing text.
135,9533,890beawesomeinstead-filterSimple conditions parser.