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136161-136180 of all 180,518 gems.
136,1453,820phony_attributeActiveModel field serializer for handling phone numbers via Phony gem
136,1453,820oggleSmall utility for watching the liveness of URLs
136,1453,820my_string_extend_jezreljaneThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
136,1453,820fake_uuidThis should produce human readable uuid's. Beware collisions.
136,1453,820bassil_google_ngramImplementation of the Bassil Google ngram OCR post-processing method.
136,1453,820rsyslibsRsyslibs collects all local gems in your project and sends them to a web server to dete...
136,1673,819mystery_dateAllows you to easily define date methods where the day month or year is unknown.
136,1673,819thor-install-gistA thor sub-command to install thor tasks from gists
136,1673,819capistrano-git-delete_repoSometimes you need to change the repo_url in Git. Run this to clean up after it.
136,1673,819anonymizerrReplaces all full names with nonsense.
136,1673,819instavinProvides a ruby interface for the instaVIN's API. Read more about it here: http://www.b...
136,1673,819stomping_ground-celluloidMock Stomp server to be used when testing stomp consumers, Celluloid::IO version.
136,1673,819RubyRc4Simply generates lorem ipsum text.
136,1673,819ember-bootstrap-assetAdd ember-bootstrap lib to rails asset pipeline
136,1673,819config_gems_initialization_aimInitialization configs for gem (example: rubocop)
136,1673,819email_validator_mmanaswineeGem to check validity of email
136,1673,819cocoapods-cache-proxyPod library source file cache proxy
136,1673,819newrelic_samba_agentThis is the New Relic plugin for monitoring Samba developed by KangaCoders Ltd.
136,1673,819cryptonewbieCryptoCurrency Markets
136,1803,818dz-patronRuby HTTP client library based on libcurl