Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
136221-136240 of all 180,518 gems.
136,2093,816conjur-asset-pubkeysConjur asset plugin for a public key store.
136,2093,816fluent-mixin-elapsed_timeFluentd mixin to measure elapsed time to process messages
136,2093,816line-okuruActionView helpers for creating NAVER LINE share buttons.
136,2093,816tpb_wrapWrapper around pirate bay
136,2093,816ruby_rockers_predictorPredicts next life for Ruby Rockers.
136,2093,816shalmaneser-frappeFrappe - Fred and Rosy PreProcEssor.
136,2093,816my_string_extend_lmdThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
136,2093,816ensembleComing Soon.
136,2093,816git-ngRuby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git reposito...
136,2093,816bootstrap3_mootoolsAllow the use of common boostrap 3 script with mootools
136,2093,816lancatlancat is a program which allows files and other data to be quickly transferred over th...
136,2093,816hypermq-ruby-clientProvides a simple interface to hypermq
136,2333,815relativizeUseful when you want to redirect_to a string and want to ensur...
136,2333,815wacktraceInsert arbitrary text into the call stack.
136,2333,815logger-jointlogger-joint is a utility to joint multiple loggers into one logger. Logs can be ou...
136,2333,815tzformaterRuby gem for converting timezone to different formats (POSIX, Olson, windows-like, wind...
136,2333,815bdimcheff-dm-sphinx-adapterA DataMapper Sphinx adapter.
136,2333,815omniauth-familysearchOmniAuth strategy for FamilySearch OAuth2 API
136,2333,815slow_your_rolesEasy role authorization in Rails ported from an unmaintained library
136,2333,815ehandla gem for handling exceptions