Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
136241-136260 of all 180,518 gems.
136,2333,815artoo-wandboardArtoo adaptor and driver for Wandboard
136,2333,815rubysl-tkRuby Standard Library - tk
136,2333,815be9-bittyActiveRecord plugin for rich bitfields
136,2333,815paratrooper-pingdomSend deploy notifications to Pingdom service when deploying with Paratrooper
136,2333,815rails_admin_inviteA custom rails_admin invitation action for use with devise_invitable
136,2333,815peentar-omniauth-oauth2An abstract OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth.
136,2333,815scrimpWeb UI for making requests to thrift services, given their IDL files.
136,2333,815ttt_cliPlayable on a 3x3 or 4x4 board. Uses my ttt_core gem
136,2493,814tkxs-component-generatorCommand line Eventide component generator
136,2493,814truncate_middleProvides truncate_middle method for string to cut middle part of text.
136,2493,814BrianTheCoder-cool_breezeA new type of orm utilizing two different storage mechanisms to the best of their abili...
136,2493,814flatiron-ice-breakersTest Gem!
136,2493,814poll-rerunA fork of the original rerun. This version includes the force-polling flag. Restarts yo...
136,2493,814processwrapperWrap a daemon process start/stop for testing
136,2493,814memory_leak_helperA gem to track memory leaks in Ruby by tracking which stacktraces creates objects that ...
136,2493,814readmedia-garbGoogle Analytics API (v2.4) Ruby Wrapper
136,2493,814rosterapi client for interacting with dugout
136,2493,814string_to_numberA ruby gem to convert French words into numbers.
136,2493,814bootstrap_layoutsbootstrap_layouts for rails applications
136,2493,814hash-migrationsMigrations to manage hashes