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Most downloads over all time
136341-136360 of all 180,689 gems.
136,3373,826loglineA Ruby library for reading the Final Draft FDX file format
136,3373,826hypermq-ruby-clientProvides a simple interface to hypermq
136,3373,826csv_objectEver found yourself trying to find the right way to use Ruby's CSV library? Confused ab...
136,3373,826engineyard-apiRuby Wrapper for Egnine Yard API
136,3373,826stomping_ground-celluloidMock Stomp server to be used when testing stomp consumers, Celluloid::IO version.
136,3373,826geeknotegeeknote ruby clone
136,3373,826rubysl-tkRuby Standard Library - tk
136,3373,826baravizGenerates Graphviz diagrams of user journeys automatically during testing.
136,3373,826vagrant-xenserver-jcEnables Vagrant to manage XenServers. Forked from vagrant-xenserver
136,3373,826greennygemA simple hello world gem
136,3373,826be9-bittyActiveRecord plugin for rich bitfields
136,3373,826readmedia-garbGoogle Analytics API (v2.4) Ruby Wrapper
136,3373,826paratrooper-pingdomSend deploy notifications to Pingdom service when deploying with Paratrooper
136,3373,826fdchatDescription of Fdchat.
136,3373,826bdimcheff-dm-sphinx-adapterA DataMapper Sphinx adapter.
136,3373,826git-ngRuby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git reposito...
136,3373,826scrimpWeb UI for making requests to thrift services, given their IDL files.
136,3373,826fluent-plugin-hatoholYou can integrated log monitoring system with Hatohol
136,3373,826foreman-systemdProcess manager for applications with multiple components
136,3603,825loan_creator_webView for loan_creator gem