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136421-136440 of all 182,419 gems.
136,4203,950daltIf date parsing is failing, then we use alternate
136,4203,950cbnugemA simple hello world gem
136,4203,950aliyun-slbRuby wrapper of Aliyun SLB API for system administrator. Current for aliyun SLB API...
136,4203,950avm-eac_php_base0AVM stereotype for PHP applications.
136,4203,950library_statisticsA gem to track the performance of different categories of books in a library
136,4203,950vagrant-xenserver-jcEnables Vagrant to manage XenServers. Forked from vagrant-xenserver
136,4203,950northstarA scalable and comprehensive architecture for Compass and SASS for Ruby on Rails
136,4203,950sample_mountable_engineThis is sample MountableEngine.
136,4203,950xmpp_serverA queue for push message to xmpp server
136,4203,950royratcliffe-zucchini-iosZucchini follows simple walkthrough scenarios for your iOS app, takes screenshots and c...
136,4203,950thepiratebay-rubyInteract with The Pirate Bay.
136,4203,950ethioClient library for the Eefio API
136,4203,950hallon-queue-outputStream Spotify via Hallon to ruby Queue for playback or processing in another thread.
136,4203,950untied-consumer-sync-activerecordA ActiveRecord backend for Untied Consumer Sync.
136,4353,949dry_open_apiIt provides a dried PORO of OpenAPI specification.
136,4353,949origen_apbOrigen APB Protocol Driver
136,4353,949yasshPublish a folder instantly to
136,4353,949csv_serializerAdds easy CSV generation functionality to ActiveRecord.
136,4353,949embulk-input-spotxLoads records from Spotx API.