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136261-136280 of all 180,518 gems.
136,2493,814hola_ttillotFirst Gem
136,2493,814liuqidescription liuqi gem
136,2493,814fluent-plugin-hatoholYou can integrated log monitoring system with Hatohol
136,2493,814json_input_bootstrap_railsA gem that will pop up a modal with a form when you click on a textarea in which you wa...
136,2493,814typedrubyGradual static typing for Ruby.
136,2493,814coherenceCoherent Spec is a framework that supports the creation and execution of test speci...
136,2493,814jacquesets up projects for AWS Elastic Beanstalk
136,2683,813hash_avataravatar hashed from a string
136,2683,813rack-coffee_filterMakes coffeescript javascript
136,2683,813shopify_watcherSimple utility to listen to changes
136,2683,813vr-corelibLibrary to make GUIs with Ruby. This library is a dependency of visualruby. This libr...
136,2683,813fluent-plugin-sstpFluentd output plugin to send server using Sakura Script Transfer Protocol(SSTP)
136,2683,813ordinaryIt normalizes nondistructively specified attributes of any model
136,2683,813futurocubeTools for messing with FuturoCube data
136,2683,813yacc_shaveShaving yaccs
136,2683,813require_columnsMake sure your ActiveRecord models have specific columns.
136,2683,813so-comment-hellbanThis is a calculator for determining how close a user is to being comment-hellbanned on...
136,2683,813hydra_mediatedhydra_mediated is a Rails engine for creating a self-deposit institutional repository
136,2683,813warn_ifProvides warnings to ActiveRecord validiations.
136,2683,813rac1-endirecteEscoltar RAC1 en directe des de la terminal