Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
136381-136400 of all 181,049 gems.
136,3773,868icouchbaseCommand line tool to work with Couchbase cluster
136,3773,868lazy_model_constAllows you to define lazy evaluated, constant-like, instances of your models
136,3773,868jdbc-cassandraInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/cassandra'` and invoke `Jdbc::Cassandra.load_driver` wi...
136,3773,868mdstyle_linkergenerate markdown style link (e.g. [title](url)) from URL
136,3773,868guard-jettyGuard::Jetty automatically starts/restarts your jetty server when needed.
136,3773,868fullcalendar2-railsFullCalendar is a fantastic jquery plugin that gives you an event calendar with tons of...
136,3773,868hippeisThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
136,3773,868shalmaneser-frappeFrappe - Fred and Rosy PreProcEssor.
136,3773,868thepiratebay-rubyInteract with The Pirate Bay.
136,3773,868easy_keygenGenerate random numbers easily
136,3773,868billgathen-skyscraperTest project to do screen-scraping using Hpricot.
136,3773,868DataDotGovSearch and query the CKAN APIs in Ruby
136,3773,868rbminiventsThis gem allows you to create and emit your events very easily and minimalistic.
136,3773,868getmeGet Me Vendor Files!
136,3773,868md_metadata_extractorMetadata extractor for Jekyll/Hugo md files
136,3973,867ember-auth-module-url_authenticatable-railsEmber-auth url authenticatable module for Rails
136,3973,867pantsPants redirects IO using EventMachine from one input source to many different destinati...
136,3973,867dm-elasticsearch-adapterDataMapper adapter for Elasticsearch (WIP)
136,3973,867jacquesets up projects for AWS Elastic Beanstalk