Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
136461-136480 of all 181,049 gems.
136,4383,865btrackEnables tracking and querying of any activity in a website or process with minimum memo...
136,4623,864motion-nowA DSL for UIViews
136,4623,864google-api-railsThis gem is a Rails interface for the official Google API gem.
136,4623,864its_a_mapWhat Ruby calls `Hash` is actually a map, a dictionary or an associative array.
136,4623,864pry-selfWhen debugging in pry, it's useful to be able to access the instance variables of any o...
136,4623,864safety_patrolSimple framework agnostic Authorization gem
136,4623,864top_notifyTopNotify use to process notification stream from TOP.
136,4623,864zaryaFast-to-develop & customizable cms
136,4623,864git-keysGit-keys gathers a user's public key from Github
136,4623,864capistrano-ssh-agentThis plugin helps you setup and debug `ssh-agent` forwarding for Capistrano deployment....
136,4623,864mmtodoA simple command line todo app. Created to help me learn some ruby concepts.
136,4623,864lita-dotenvdotenv lita extension
136,4623,864opengovSimplifies the process of downloading and working with Open Government data
136,4623,864simple_playing_cardsA simple Gem for creating a deck of playing cards.
136,4623,864mongoid-slugsSimple slugging for Mongoid models
136,4623,864casouza_video_palindromeLearn Enought Ruby palindrome detector
136,4623,864picky-vietnameseVietnamese substituter for Picky search engine
136,4623,864surf_rockawaySimple ruby based CLI application to pull a surf report for Rockaway Beach, Queens, NY
136,4803,863audiothoritySmall utility for finding inconsistencies among audio files organized in "album" direct...