Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
136701-136720 of all 180,590 gems.
136,6853,800rack-devise_cookie_authRack middleware to log in from a "remember me" Devise cookie.
136,6853,800rolldayAdd Rollbar to Faraday middleware easily and customizable
136,6853,800em-timershelper methods for timers in EventMachine
136,6853,800is_downrubygem to check if a website is down or not using API.
136,6853,800ydiffyConvenient diffing in ruby
136,6853,800carrierwave-mongoid-file-seekThis gem enables to search inside mounted uploaded files which are stored in MongoDB us...
136,7073,799qiitakunQiitakun is a good CLI tool to manipulate Qiita.
136,7073,799findwaldoCompares HTML files in two directories and provides a list of differences
136,7073,799aesencryptA simple program for AES encryption and base 64 encoding
136,7073,799fluent-plugin-clouderametricsInput plugin for cloudera manager.
136,7073,799x_tensionsJust a few useful extensions
136,7073,799ankur625A simple hello world gem by Pradnyankur Nikam.
136,7073,799gemshackWIP: just working on it
136,7073,799tag_gpfoxThis friendly fox gives you tags in your Rails app.
136,7073,799tinymce4-railsRails3 assets pipeline and helpers for tinymce4, lang packages are built-in
136,7073,799ratchetedProvide simple access to the Ratchet rapid prototyping framework
136,7073,799becomesWrite a longer description. Optional.
136,7073,799zafarnotenow manage all tour notes easily
136,7073,799codeforces-solutions-downloaderCodeforces Solutions Downloader
136,7073,799bacardiThis gem checks for spoofed receiver email and fraudulent change in amount for the purc...