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Most downloads over all time
136681-136700 of all 180,590 gems.
136,6503,801next-pageableAn ActiveModel concern for basic paging without an extra count query.
136,6503,801corpshort"go/" like private link shortener for internal purpose
136,6503,801nydp-caxlsxprovides ability to generate excel/xls/xlsx spreadsheets from your lisp code
136,6503,801keen-csvBuilds a CSV string from a Keen IO response
136,6853,800midoriMidori is an extensible content manager for websites.
136,6853,800decidim-navbar_linksAdd a custom link in main menu bar.
136,6853,800my_holaA simple hello world gem
136,6853,800rails_mustacheDescription of RailsMustache.
136,6853,800api_tommyThis generator takes one or several classes with comments formatted in TomDoc and spits...
136,6853,800inviteAn abstraction layer to help deal with invites in applications.
136,6853,800drools_lambda_clientExpose a method to call drools deployed in lambda
136,6853,800test_session_managerAllow tests for Rails applications to inject session data (including flash) into test r...
136,6853,800rescueRescues the exception ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken and redirects.
136,6853,800db_structure_writerthis create HTML file describing the DB structure
136,6853,800riak-dt-rubyriak_dt client library
136,6853,800pure_iteratorA flexible way to process records in the Pure Research Information System.
136,6853,800propinaA gem for generating tip values based on a number of inputs.
136,6853,800torii-coretorii core
136,6853,800ardm-timestampsDataMapper plugin for magical timestamps