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Most downloads over all time
137201-137220 of all 180,702 gems.
137,2003,784scissorsSingle Sign-on for apps that trust each other
137,2003,784ardm-sweatshopDataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models
137,2003,784ppldidThis gem provides the basic methods for managing did:ppld.
137,2003,784kozoDeclaratively create, modify and destroy cloud infrastructure in your favourite language
137,2003,784m2fm-autotag-subjectmail2frontmatter plugin for extracting tags from subject lines
137,2003,784bz_firstBobby's first gem
137,2003,784deep_thought-travis_pluginDeep Thought CI service for Travis CI.
137,2003,784widenWe already have `String#upcase`, `String#downcase`. Now you can have `String#widen` an...
137,2003,784improve_your_codeImproveYourCode is a tool that examines Ruby classes, modules and methods and reports a...
137,2003,784rails4-przelewy24This gem provide basic methods to communicate with przelewy24 payment system
137,2003,784fragment-alpha-sdkan alpha version for the fragment client sdk
137,2003,784acts_as_archivableThere has never been a better time to move database records to an archive table.
137,2003,784motion-algolia-searchA RubyMotion gem for Algolia Offline Search SDK
137,2003,784ian_test_pelicanWrite a longer description or delete this line.
137,2003,784widget_list_theme_blue_sky_basinThe First theme for widget_list.
137,2003,784fly-swatterFlySwatter was built as a drop in solution to user feedback and bug reporting.
137,2003,784gpsdThis is a client interface to the GPSd service daemon.
137,2003,784s0nspark-rubyosaRubyOSA is a bridge that connects Ruby to the Apple Event Manager, automatically popula...
137,2003,784hola_samwei12A simple hello world gem