Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
137161-137180 of all 180,681 gems.
137,1453,783hibp_password_checkerhibp_password_checker uses the haveibeenpwned (have i been pwned) api, to send the firs...
137,1623,782scissorsSingle Sign-on for apps that trust each other
137,1623,782myFlutteruse this tool to deploy your flutter sdk.
137,1623,782datatable_railsData tables for rails
137,1623,782paperclip_privateAllows restrcition of access to paperclip attachments with a private option.
137,1623,782banken-matchersRspec matchers for banken loyalties.
137,1623,782alexa_haloA sinatra middleware for checking halo stats with alexa.
137,1623,782deep_thought-travis_pluginDeep Thought CI service for Travis CI.
137,1623,782foxdear_ebooksMarkov chains for all your friends~
137,1623,782rails4-przelewy24This gem provide basic methods to communicate with przelewy24 payment system
137,1623,782gpsdThis is a client interface to the GPSd service daemon.
137,1623,782gitegnoreit will pull lastest update from github/gitignore repo, copy corresponding .gitig...
137,1623,782active_image_persistThis gem is intended to help with image files lost or corruption in the view from valid...
137,1623,782capistrano-phoenixPhoenix integration for Capistrano
137,1753,781cstyle_enumC style enum.
137,1753,781rondo_formHandle nested forms using Stimulus JS
137,1753,781wrathThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
137,1753,781line_send_buttonLINE Send button helper
137,1753,781kellyreddinga gem
137,1753,781m2fm-autotag-subjectmail2frontmatter plugin for extracting tags from subject lines