Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
137141-137160 of all 180,507 gems.
137,1413,767cache_reduceA simple, powerful pattern for caching data
137,1413,767docx2gfmConvert a docx file, to github-flavored-markdown. thin wrapper around pandoc.
137,1413,767mini_progressbarThis is a gem description
137,1413,767bernsteinRuby OSC message queue
137,1413,767jQuery-URL-Parser-RailsSimple way to integrate the url parameters jquery plugin in the asset pipeline of rails
137,1413,767motion_settingsRubyMotion settings out of your Rakefile !
137,1413,767base64_attachmentThis gem allows you to define `file`-attributes on an active record class which can rec...
137,1413,767json_schema-artesanoGenerate data (objects, or anything else you like) from a given JSON Schema
137,1413,767foxdear_ebooksMarkov chains for all your friends~
137,1413,767fluent-plugin-rethinkRethinkDB plugin for Fluentd
137,1413,767ruboty-jsonRuboty's brain as a JSON file
137,1413,767cryptomarket-sdkCryptomarket sdk for rest connection and websocket connection for the ruby language
137,1413,767lr-linear-regressionAn implementation of a linear regression machine learning algorithm implemented in Ruby...
137,1413,767gitegnoreit will pull lastest update from github/gitignore repo, copy corresponding .gitig...
137,1413,767nifcloudThe Unofficial NIFCLOUD SDK for Ruby
137,1413,767tag_echidnaThis friendly echidna gives you tags in your Rails app.
137,1413,767justinaiken-statsdA Ruby StatsD client, with a tweak
137,1413,767bryanl-xmpp4rXMPP4R is an XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby.
137,1413,767lita-bitlyShorten URL using
137,1603,766waitlistedEasily integrate the waitlisted api from ruby.