Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
137121-137140 of all 180,507 gems.
137,1213,768brettjackson-uniquifyGenerate a unique token with Active Record.
137,1213,768windows-cngThe windows-cng library is a wrapper for the next generation Windows cryptography API.
137,1213,768antlr-gemeratorGenerate a complete Rubygem from any ANTLR4 grammar.
137,1213,768money_testGem for finding the exchange rate between 2 monetary values along with arithmetic manip...
137,1213,768vineyardRubygem for interacting w/ Vine's API
137,1213,768cuke_stepsThis gem offers a program to generate a reference index for your Gherkin step definitio...
137,1213,768railsblocks-theme-bootstrapDescription of Theme::Bootstrap.
137,1213,768inegi-geoImports INEGI geospatial database into a readable CSV
137,1213,768ex_aequoSome tools
137,1213,768ardm-sweatshopDataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models
137,1213,768circle_experimentDummy gem for experimenting with CircleCI workflows
137,1213,768klyhrd_studio_gameGame made while doing the Pragmatic Studio Ruby Course. w00T and blam!
137,1213,768kvanatorAbstract KV library
137,1213,768schmitt-triggerThis is a simple rubygem that implements a Schmitt Trigger in ruby
137,1213,768rails_document_readyA simple way to have per controller and per action methods called on document ready whe...
137,1213,768async_resource_poolAsync resource pool for fibers.
137,1213,768renderrorAdds easy renderring to your JSON API
137,1213,768kramdown-katexKramdown syntax plugin for using KaTeX at server side.
137,1213,768embedderFinds info about urls
137,1213,768suj_my_string_extendThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...