Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
137601-137620 of all 180,702 gems.
137,5833,765fluent-plugin-dagDag output plugin for Fluentd event collector
137,6023,764sensu-plugins-resticSensu restic plugins
137,6023,764nx-yamlNx yaml tools.
137,6023,764mosaic-pollerProvides core support for implementing a daemon with a polling loop - including support...
137,6023,764yandex_tranlator_ISapi Yandex translator.
137,6023,764blythedunham-ar_dumperExtends ActiveRecord to export volume records to a file, string, or temp file in csv, y...
137,6023,764teeworldsTeeworlds is a multiplayer shooter. This gem allows you to fetch all available game ser...
137,6023,764wittsend_studio_gameprogram created for ruby programming course at Pragmatic Studio
137,6023,764github-archiveGithub Archive
137,6023,764dl_experimentA framework meant to help you test (in production or in tests) the impact of an iso fun...
137,6023,764js_infoMake javascript alert, confirm and prompt as controller level methods
137,6023,764has_encrypted_fieldEncrypted attributes for Rails models.
137,6023,764ajax-datatables-rails-coverallsFork for Coveralls app
137,6023,764kokubanRubyKokuban installer and executer
137,6023,764autoload_pathautoload_path it’s a very simple gem that allows you to search through a folder and it’...
137,6023,764ip_apiRuby client for the API
137,6023,764geometry-mfChecks difference shapes info
137,6023,764lightningffWith Lightning, you can set up an end-to-end highly customizable feature flagging syste...