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137661-137680 of all 180,681 gems.
137,6583,757simple_redis_storeA lightweight Redis cache store for ActiveSupport::Cache
137,6583,757eac-resourcifyBasic enhancements for making Merb controllers more resourceful. Provides reduced code ...
137,6583,757eth_toolmy eth tool
137,6583,757tomosmacbook_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palidrome Detector
137,6583,757rspejiLet's put some emoji in your test's
137,6583,757time_onlyA simple class for handling time and only time. No dates, no time zones, just good old ...
137,6583,757knodesSee API documentation at
137,6583,757pdtablePdtable is a Pandas.DataFrame-like class that is expanded from CSV::Table. It has some ...
137,6583,757omniauth-opscodeAuthenticate via the Opscode Web UI
137,6583,757kik-railsKik assets
137,6583,757seranDsl for wrapping RESTful apis.
137,6733,756multiflowState machine that allows dynamic transitions for business workflows
137,6733,756mugenMyGengo API wrapper(
137,6733,756nexmo_rackNexmo related middleware to make it easier to work with Nexmo's webhooks
137,6733,756suedeA simple hello world gem
137,6733,756omniauth-everyplayEveryplay strategy for OmniAuth
137,6733,756skoobyAPI like interface to provide information about books available at Skoob.
137,6733,756crypto_quoteThis gem will display quote information for the top 15 crytocurrencies
137,6733,756himmelGitHub style deployments