Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
137621-137640 of all 180,702 gems.
137,6023,764embulk-input-spotxLoads records from Spotx API.
137,6023,764dystioA CLI and Chef plugin for using key-value stores like consul, etcd, and S3.
137,6023,764dhh2Demo Gem spec
137,6023,764crashlytics-crawlerA crappy crawler for crashlytics
137,6253,763viperAuto snake case for Objective-C methods in RubyMotion
137,6253,763bike_travel_databasesMapping classes for bike travel databases, etc etc.
137,6253,763dvla-atlasA lightweight gem that encapsulates the ability to define a common set of properties fo...
137,6253,763minmb-net-sshNet::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol. It allows you to writ...
137,6253,763z15024mk_katoWrite a longer description or delete this line.
137,6253,763yaml_cacheA simple gem for storing and caching data in a YAML file
137,6253,763opal-rollbarAllows for Opal client-side Rollbar
137,6253,763halo-rjpimaA simple hello world gem
137,6253,763simple_cmsA simple CMS using CKEditor for inline editing
137,6253,763slickrunAllows adding magic words to SlickRun using ruby.
137,6253,763tw_vat_numberGenerate TW VAT number randomly and validate VAT number if correctly
137,6253,763glue_gunA tool for connecting parts of your application at configuration time. Part thought e...
137,6253,763io-access_lazyThis gem provide lazy access method like array to IO object.
137,6253,763uservoice-widgetProvides UserVoice widget Rails helper
137,6253,763roviA gem for well, consuming the Rovi metadata API
137,6253,763mezzalunaSlice your PostgreSQL tables in uniform partitions using the id module