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Most downloads over all time
137681-137700 of all 180,534 gems.
137,6683,743pdtablePdtable is a Pandas.DataFrame-like class that is expanded from CSV::Table. It has some ...
137,6683,743md2ansiConverts markdown to ansi.
137,6683,743lita-responderA Lita handler for responding using saved key-value or optionally using cleverbot
137,6683,743rubocop-cruRuboCop configuration shared across Cru applications
137,6683,743rspejiLet's put some emoji in your test's
137,6683,743fontabulousRuby gem to retrieve retrieve Adobe Typekit information.
137,6873,742krakend-openapi-importerImport endpoints from OpenAPI spec to KrakenD endpoint configuration. Supports OpenAPI ...
137,6873,742breadcrumbs_on_rails_to_gretelSimple and smart way to change all breadcrumbs of your project from breadcrumb_on_rails...
137,6873,742hintcss-railsA tooltip library in CSS for your lovely websites
137,6873,742mustermann-flaskAdds Flask style patterns to Mustermman
137,6873, scraper
137,6873,742ardm-serializerDataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections
137,6873,742kotobaBook manager in Ruby
137,6873,742vagrant-destroyerIf enable calls vagrant destroy following a vagrant up
137,6873,742reducersThis library is intended to provide a reducer library on collections for ruby like the ...
137,6873,742imseng-capybara-webkitHeadless Webkit driver for Capybara
137,6873,742revision-sanA simple Rails plugin which creates revisions of your model and comes with an equally s...
137,6873,742tag_marmosetThis friendly Marmoset gives you tags in your Rails app.
137,6873,742just_some_learninThis is the Game from the Pragmatic Studios Ruby course. It is executed with bin/studi...
137,6873,742powercontroller9202A Ruby GEDCOM to communicate with an Aviosys Inc. 9202 IP Power Controller (and associa...