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138821-138840 of all 180,454 gems.
138,8113,681camerontaylor-em-http-requestEventMachine based HTTP Request interface
138,8113,681esierra5-rubycalcAn implementation of a basic calculator on ruby
138,8113,681dgr_testTest tool for data garage usage
138,8113,681trans-gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object or...
138,8113,681feedback_with_country_stateThis is the feedback form which having states according to the country.
138,8113,681padrino-render-forDRYer rendering method for Padrino, mainly used for templates for controllers
138,8113,681soffes-blog-jekyllA jekyll version of, because it wasn't written in jekyll and I liked the wa...
138,8113,681dear-rubyWrite a letter to do ruby commands
138,8113,681despatchPulls and stores the tweets a given @username is mentioned in.
138,8113,681gather_content-apiRuby wrapper for the GatherContent API
138,8113,681voncountCount characters like The Count
138,8113,681cdddnContent Delivery & Device Detection Network (CDDDN) is a rails engine that provides...
138,8113,681facWrite a longer description. Optional.
138,8113,681cough-syrupRuby CoughSyrup is a bridge to the JS CoughSyrup transpiler.
138,8363,680bskyrbA Ruby gem for interacting with bsky/atproto
138,8363,680rack-rewrite-matchesA rack middleware for enforcing rewrite rules. In many cases you can get away with rack...
138,8363,680omniauth-gplus-signinA Google+ Sign In OAuth2 strategy for Omniauth
138,8363,680dex_syncDexSync is an automated tool for updating configuration from DexApp
138,8363,680encookieWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.