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138761-138780 of all 180,518 gems.
138,7463,691asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-kaigen-gothic-krThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
138,7463,691mod_bootstrapmod-bootstrap is a modify version of Bootstrap 3
138,7463,691custom_tableEasy tables with filters
138,7463,691rl_hiya_tang_titanThe library says a friendly hiya to all users
138,7463,691hattrA translation for the string centric hstore extension
138,7463,691configtemplateContains classes and methods to apply a single configuration file to configured templat...
138,7463,691git-gsub-rubyYou can control the gsub replacement with the ruby script.
138,7463,691cosmosc2-tool-cmdsenderThis plugin adds the COSMOS Command Sender tool
138,7463,691fluent-redislistRedis list output plugin for Fluent
138,7463,691liftmaster_myqUnofficial Liftmaster MyQ Controller
138,7463,691ahandler_palindromeLearn enough palindrome
138,7463,691linguakit_rubyThis project uses Natural Language Processing tool and FuzzyMatch to find similarity in...
138,7463,691google_geocodingsgoogle geocodings api wrapper
138,7463,691bare_minimum_checksProvides a cli to run tests for the files that have been modified
138,7463,691pencil_mustacheNeed to replace some tokens? This is all you need (Ruby 1.9+).
138,7463,691dirwaitListens to filesystem event notifications until a specified directory is created and th...
138,7463,691gitshotgitshot is using post-commit hook to take your picture after every commit.
138,7463,691codility_logHelper class for logging to the terminal
138,7463,691rake-remote-fileRake DSL extensions for managing a file at a remote location