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Most downloads over all time
138741-138760 of all 180,616 gems.
138,7413,701hanzawa_naokiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
138,7413,701pro_monitorAn easily customizable way to monitor, aggregate, and format ActiveRecord model changes...
138,7413,701toolfan-commandCommand line helper for
138,7413,701middleman-emberscriptEmber script support for middleman
138,7413,701ruby_matrix_to_svgRubyMatrixToSvg is a pure Ruby library without any dependencies that allows you to crea...
138,7413,701obs-websocketControls OBS Studio remotely using obs-websocket protocol
138,7413,701ahandler_palindromeLearn enough palindrome
138,7413,701hato-plugin-hipchatHato plugin to send messages via HipChat
138,7413,701croaky-rspecRSpec formatter that captures stdout and stderr during an example run, and dumps them f...
138,7413,701truncate_html_chineseTruncates html so you don't have to,support chinese
138,7413,701swim_rosterbuild a swim lesson roster
138,7413,701teelaunchTeelaunch is the only swag service provider ("SSP") for crowdfunding platforms & projects.
138,7413,701bpgThis library uses libbpg to convert JPEG images to convert them to BPG image format.
138,7413,701bare_minimum_checksProvides a cli to run tests for the files that have been modified
138,7413,701tastevinTastevin is a command line utility for configuring and monitoring agents.
138,7413,701canadaduane-rubydoctestRuby version of Python's doctest tool, but a bit different.
138,7413,701terminal-emojifyOutputs emoji aliases as raw characters.
138,7413,701markascendExtensible markdown-like, macro-powered html document syntax and processor
138,7413,701tty-fireworksFireworks in your terminal