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Most downloads over all time
140241-140260 of all 181,049 gems.
140,2393,675my_string_extend_mshThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the s...
140,2393,675probityEven Rails can't be trusted not to produce malformed xml sometimes. Add this Rack middl...
140,2393,675singloggerA simple Singleton wrapper around the ruby Logger class, gem-ified it because I found m...
140,2393,675diff_copRubocop is great. Running rubocop on a large file of old code yields tons of violations...
140,2393,675Z_HTMLgen.rbEnables you to generate HTML pages easily from text files
140,2393,675rgeo-activerecord-dscheeRGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::ActiveRecord is an optional RGeo modu...
140,2393,675jekyll-theme-github-likeA jekyll theme like
140,2393,675recastRecast your models with recast
140,2393,675itrpiTRP is an extensible CLI app with tab completion for Network Security and Traffic Moni...
140,2393,675curses-geometryAdds some basic graphic primitives to the Curses module. It can draw single glyphs, lin...
140,2393,675jonesan2_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
140,2393,675xmlrpc-racka rack app that serves a XMLRPC::BasicServer
140,2393,675christocracy-merb-ext-directMerb implementation of ExtJS's Ext.Direct router
140,2393,675embulk-parser-script_rubyParses Script Ruby files read by other file input plugins.
140,2393,675iikoiiko web scripts
140,2393,675guard-shoryukenGuard::Shoryuken automatically starts/stops/restarts Shoryuken workers
140,2393,675friendshipquoteThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
140,2393,675gentoneplay dits and dahs for CW aka morse code. Feed it a string and it plays sounds. os x only.