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140261-140280 of all 180,689 gems.
140,2523,634grape-bugsnagNotify of Grape errors with Bugsnag
140,2523,634sinatra-asset_pipelineSimple sprockets asset server for Sinatra
140,2523,634MnemosyneA exiftool-based tagger for JPG files.
140,2523,634compactAims to help you keep the behaviour of your test doubles in line with that of your real...
140,2523,634hola_cheerA Simple Hello World Gem.
140,2523,634tag_shaTo add Tags
140,2523,634cooperative_accountingAn automated accounting system for cooperatives in the Philippines
140,2523,634sneakers-influxdbInfluxDB metrics for Sneakers workers
140,2523,634fog-xiaozhuAs a FOG provider, fog-aliyun support aliyun OSS/ECS. It will support more aliyun servi...
140,2523,634hashrateA calculator for expected bitcoin mining profit based on the future difficulty of the b...
140,2523,634nuklearThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
140,2743,633word_bunnyTallies each word found in a given text.
140,2743,633thpoolSimple thread pool/worker system
140,2743,633arqA service skeleton framework heavily inspired by LightService with the primary goal of ...
140,2743,633loyal_user_agentHTTP User Agent parser
140,2743,633danxexe-mailcatcherMailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to...
140,2743,633training_nov_08Training Gem Desc
140,2743,633rinitProvides init-like script structure for ruby