Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
140281-140300 of all 180,689 gems.
140,2743,633mkf-product_apiMuch longer explanation of the example!
140,2743,633safe-migrationsAssert rails migration safety at dev time
140,2743,633jokeJoke lets you manage Jekyll sites locally like a CMS.
140,2743,633hola_ntang99A simple hello world gem
140,2743,633middleman-gumbyAdds Gumby to a Middleman project.
140,2743,633densMoves different density assets to their respective Android resource directories
140,2743,633bugsnag_dataUse the Bugsnag Data REST API
140,2883,632pebbles-orzA joke gem to define aliases
140,2883,632idkgem install idk
140,2883,632digestible_attributesRails plugin for generating and storing hash digests based on model attributes
140,2883,632letter-mxThe Letter-MX-GEM is a lightweight GEM for accessing the Letter.MX subscriber REST web ...
140,2883,632leifcr-activeuuidAdd binary (not string) UUIDs to ActiveRecord in MySQL
140,2883,632rabbit-slide-tommy-mail_encryptionメールの暗号化 at NSEG#40
140,2883,632set_partitionSet Partition
140,2883,632blinkbox-common_mappingDeal with blinkbox Books virtual URLs
140,2883,632puma-benchmarkBenchmark puma requests per sec for different workers and thread count
140,2883,632droneioDroneCI client and plugin helper
140,2883,632spotify_webSpotify Web API for Ruby
140,2883,632robjectRObject is a wrapper library for RSRuby.