Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
140321-140340 of all 180,689 gems.
140,3133,631cbmeeks-gamefakeGenerate cool, fake video game names
140,3133,631healthy_metalMetal based rails engine which provides health check endpoint
140,3133,631vehicle_dataRuby Client for API
140,3133,631MorseConverterConvert a ruby string into morse code
140,3133,631convertkitRubygem for the Convertkit API
140,3133,631leanLean framework
140,3133,631learn_partytool for Flatiron School instructors to group students for projects
140,3133,631balboa_park_itinerary_ideasA Ruby Gem providing a CLI to view itinerary ideas for San Diego's Balboa Park as per t...
140,3293,630genecacheVery simple GENE ID conversion tool with a local SQLite3 DB for caching
140,3293,630factorial_gemfactorial_gem is the best
140,3293,630highstock_railsGem for easily adding Highstock to the Rails Asset Pipeline
140,3293,630jumbleEnable clients pool for twitter
140,3293,630cyukaconverter of simplifired Chinese and Japanese character
140,3293,630yade-composer-rest-clientYade Composer Rest Client
140,3293,630X_validatorA Rails model validation, my first gem, just a practice work
140,3293,630nil-passerA nil-tester for blocks
140,3293,630babel-trainTranslation backend for i18n
140,3293,630fcardona2-rubycalcAn calculator implementation on ruby
140,3293,630rack-icis_identity_authMiddleware that allows you to authenticate header-based auth request on ICIS services.
140,3293,630groGo's concurrency model "implemented" for Ruby