Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
140641-140660 of all 180,518 gems.
140,6413,601wikikiMountable Rails engine that provides a personal wiki.
140,6413,601ozon_parserSimple OZON parser
140,6413,601coreymartella-pacecarGenerated scopes for ActiveRecord classes.
140,6413,601ruby-properties-fileTool for loading and writing Java properties files
140,6413,601trie-fileMemory-efficient cached trie and trie storage.
140,6413,601polycomLibrary and utility for interacting with Polycom IP Phones
140,6413,601detect_user_agentDetect browser, os and platform based upon user agent
140,6413,601interior_decoratorUltra-lightweight decorator for Rails models.
140,6413,601rabbit-slide-tommy-sequelSequel を使って Ruby でクエリを書こう
140,6413,601green_eye_monitor_collectorPull stats from Brultech GEM energy consumption monitor and push them to Smart Energy G...
140,6413,601ombu_labs-notificationsKnows how to send a new contact email, new contact Slack notification
140,6413,601roar_generic_pagination_representerA simple generic pagination representer for ROAR, taken from
140,6413,601smmrizeA dead-simple way to communicate with the SMMRY API
140,6413,601jackdempsey-rpx_nowHelper to simplify RPX Now user login/creation
140,6413,601github_repo_statisticsThis gem prints git ownership insights
140,6413,601dinnerUse dinner to automatically include html files!
140,6413,601ecdsa_signatureA gem to generate an ecdsa signature by an ethereum private key.
140,6413,601costan-tem_opensslTEM (Trusted Execution Module) engine for OpenSSL.
140,6413,601voteable_xtianThe best voting gem ever made by Xtian
140,6413,601blinkbox-common_helpersExtensions to ruby useful for blinkbox Books