Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
140721-140740 of all 180,543 gems.
140,7123,601dstat_plotUses gnuplot to plot csv data generated by mvneves' dstat-monitor.
140,7123,601canariA gem to monitor TLS certificates using Cert Stream.
140,7123,601yollapayThe gateway to pay.
140,7123,601suitsEasy printing of suit symbols onto command line applications
140,7123,601butterfliesAn experimental web server using modern Linux kernel features.
140,7123,601chassis_repoA collection of modules and helpers for building mantainable Ruby applications
140,7123,601blinkbox-userblinkbox ruby user management api
140,7123,601pnap_tag_apiTags API Ruby Gem
140,7123,601fahrenheitCelsius request/result mapper
140,7123,601rodoRodo is terminal-based todo manager written in Ruby with a inbox-zero mentality.
140,7123,601hola_rsteverA simple hello world gem
140,7333,600appnetaThe AppNeta gem really doesn't do anything yet.
140,7333,600studio_game_shervinThis is an practice application created by Shervin Shaikh during The Pragmatic Studio's...
140,7333,600geoproximity-monstergeo proximity calculator gem
140,7333,600multisearchSearch multiple columns of a database, returning a hash of non-empty columns
140,7333,600cjbottaro-param_protectedProvides two class methods on ActiveController::Base that filter the params hash for th...
140,7333,600zkexecRun a process in a wrapper that manages config files from zookeeper
140,7333,600ruby_ddp_clientA simple ddp client (a la Meteor) written in Ruby