Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
140701-140720 of all 180,534 gems.
140,6733,601fbtilesFBTiles utilities
140,6733,601hola_rsteverA simple hello world gem
140,6733,601ravendb-api-clientClient for accessing RavenDB APIs
140,6733,601riemann-hadoopCollect jmx stats for Hadoop Namenode and Datanode and submits them to Riemann.
140,7053,600geoproximity-monstergeo proximity calculator gem
140,7053,600multisearchSearch multiple columns of a database, returning a hash of non-empty columns
140,7053,600terra-exampleThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
140,7053,600cxxproject_tomakecreates simple makefiles for cxxprojects as fallback
140,7053,600workarea-avataxAvatax is a service for sales tax calculation and compliance
140,7053,600xkcd_guruAllows easy interactions with the 'xkcd-unofficial-api'.
140,7053,600dstat_plotUses gnuplot to plot csv data generated by mvneves' dstat-monitor.
140,7053,600expressionistSafely make queries against tree data structure with ability to serialize queries for l...
140,7053,600yollapayThe gateway to pay.
140,7053,600suitsEasy printing of suit symbols onto command line applications
140,7053,600butterfliesAn experimental web server using modern Linux kernel features.
140,7053,600libexecWrapper for ruby exec shell command.
140,7053,600blinkbox-userblinkbox ruby user management api
140,7053,600calendario_apiGem Wrapper da API de
140,7053,600fahrenheitCelsius request/result mapper