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Most downloads over all time
140821-140840 of all 180,702 gems.
140,8083,612butterfliesAn experimental web server using modern Linux kernel features.
140,8083,612monkey_patcher_patcherDon't ever use this, but sometimes you want to just use it
140,8083,612zzot-zzot-semi-staticSemi-Static is yet another static site generator.
140,8083,612detect_user_agentDetect browser, os and platform based upon user agent
140,8083,612compass-fluid-videoA Compass extension for making fluid videos.
140,8083,612baidu-pushBaidu push client
140,8083,612simplytech_holaA simple hello world gem
140,8083,612demoWrite a longer description or delete this line.
140,8083,612green_eye_monitor_collectorPull stats from Brultech GEM energy consumption monitor and push them to Smart Energy G...
140,8083,612lnkdtogoThis is an unoffical gem for the service
140,8083,612vagrant-guest-netbsdVagrant Guest Plugin for NetBSD
140,8083,612fresh_jwtIssue access JWT & secure with refresh token
140,8333,611hellossA simple hello world gem
140,8333,611middleman-gsassgorilla software sass mixins for middleman (logos, images)
140,8333,611aws_keysRead the aws keys from Env, yml file, ~/aws/credentials
140,8333,611prototypalPrototypal Ruby objects
140,8333,611wikikiMountable Rails engine that provides a personal wiki.
140,8333,611html2textileProvides an SGML parser to convert HTML into the Textile format
140,8333,611cxxproject_tomakecreates simple makefiles for cxxprojects as fallback
140,8333,611chassis_repoA collection of modules and helpers for building mantainable Ruby applications