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Most downloads over all time
140761-140780 of all 180,534 gems.
140,7533,598HornsAndHooves-jade-railsJade adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
140,7533,598autohashHashes where keys can be automatically calculated based on the value inserted
140,7533,598respondingKind of a Struct implementation, but with a nested structure.
140,7533,598i18n-tasks-arTasks for generate ActiveRecord model and attributes translations
140,7533,598compass-fluid-videoA Compass extension for making fluid videos.
140,7533,598ruboty-yasyYet Another SushiYuki plugin for ruboty, ported from naoya/hubot-sushiyuki.
140,7533,598vampireA Ruby implementation of the visitor pattern
140,7533,598paperclip-osslonger description of your gem
140,7533,598jeymodA simple Module gem (My First gem)
140,7533,598test_bitchA simple hello world gem
140,7533,598qvemDisplay error messages in qtips(tooltip) for all rails erros and jquery validation errors
140,7533,598rails_uikitA gem to automate using uikit framework plugin with Rails 3
140,7533,598mozu_apiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
140,7533,598acts_as_saveableRails gem to allowing records to be saveable
140,7533,598check_xcode_xmlsCheck interface builder files for autolayout constraints without identifiers.
140,7533,598version_recordSemantic version management for database records using ActiveRecord
140,7533,598cldwalker-console_updateA rails plugin which allows you to edit your database records via the console and your ...
140,7783,597numonicEasily memorize long numbers using mnemonics
140,7783,597obstObsidian stats
140,7783,597birthday_calculatorCalculate days left yo your birthday