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Most downloads over all time
140841-140860 of all 180,702 gems.
140,8333,611smmrizeA dead-simple way to communicate with the SMMRY API
140,8333,611uhohUhoh is the gem for show the faliure note of the app..
140,8333,611roar_generic_pagination_representerA simple generic pagination representer for ROAR, taken from
140,8333,611interior_decoratorUltra-lightweight decorator for Rails models.
140,8333,611age_validatorValidate age from a date field in Active Record.
140,8333,611JackDanger-alphadecimalConvert integers to base62 strings (A-Za-z0-9) and back. A handy way to shorten long n...
140,8333,611fahrenheitCelsius request/result mapper
140,8333,611dbc-fakerDBC ipsum
140,8333,611oauth_bundle`Create new rails app, then run rails g oauth_bundle:install`
140,8333,611sweepDSL for testing the Puppet Enterprise UI
140,8333,611git-rails-changesgit-rails-changes will find files that have changed between branches, that are staged, ...
140,8333,611cldwalker-console_updateA rails plugin which allows you to edit your database records via the console and your ...
140,8333,611cmer-git-p4-syncSubmit changes made to a Git repository into to Perforce
140,8543,610djsun-mr-successEasily create RESTful actions with your Sinatra app and MongoMapper back-end.
140,8543,610multisearchSearch multiple columns of a database, returning a hash of non-empty columns
140,8543,610plist2Plist is a library to manipulate Property List files, also known as plists. It can par...
140,8543,610essage-railsa more elegant way to show message / tips.
140,8543,610adventHave fun with the Advent of Code using Ruby.
140,8543,610tbarbA simple set of functions to easily fetching data from The Blue Alliance.