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140801-140820 of all 180,702 gems.
140,7823,613my_string_extend_mjThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
140,7823,613autohashHashes where keys can be automatically calculated based on the value inserted
140,7823,613at_fast_jsonapiJSON API( serializer that works with rails and can be used to serialize any...
140,7823,613tablegenplain text table generator
140,7823,613data_transformerDeclarative transformations for objects and object collections
140,7823,613thor_dleavittThor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.
140,7823,613gem-bootstrapCLI for bootstrapping new Ruby gem projects.
140,8083,612sortsort yo files
140,8083,612appnetaThe AppNeta gem really doesn't do anything yet.
140,8083,612sri_tippyA gem for generating tip values based on a number of inputs.
140,8083,612store_hoursA small parser for store normal business hours
140,8083,612logstash-filter-public_iplogstash plugin that checks ip version and if the ip is public
140,8083,612tic_tac_toe_wilbertcrConsole Tic Tac Toe game
140,8083,612minecraft-pi-rubyControl Minecraft Pi Edition using the Ruby programming language.
140,8083,612hola_saratahaA simple hello world gem
140,8083,612trie-fileMemory-efficient cached trie and trie storage.
140,8083,612expertsender_apiA wrapper for ExpertSender API
140,8083,612tailgatethe easy way to append data to a google drive spreadsheet
140,8083,612rails_admin_china_cityrails_admin for china_city
140,8083,612riemann-hadoopCollect jmx stats for Hadoop Namenode and Datanode and submits them to Riemann.