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141821-141840 of all 180,702 gems.
141,8013,570fieldableEncapsulates validations and business logic of class attributes. Currently compatible w...
141,8013,570jekyll-plantuml-base64jekyll plugin to include plantuml diagram in jekyll website as base64 image
141,8013,570codenjoy_connectionGem handling ws connection and simple communication for numerous games in Codenjoy.
141,8013,570onering-report-mysqlPlugin for information about MySQL via the Onering client utility
141,8013,570ecomcrmodA module to allow CodeRunner to run the Grad-Shafranov solver ECOM
141,8013,570crux-env-path-fixruby script to append, prepend, remove, remove by regexp and remove duplicate entries f...
141,8013,570readable_identGenerates a readable ident for a given model
141,8013,570shoulda-matchers-cucumberThe gem to be used to support the shoulda matchers and rspec expectation syntaxes in th...
141,8013,570costan-rtunnelReverse tunnel server and client.
141,8013,570usno-eclipse-lunarObtain the circumstances of recent and upcoming lunar eclipses for any location
141,8013,570imagga-categorizationRuby client for accessing Imagga categorization & training API
141,8013,570bsw_dnet_install_utilSee summary
141,8013,570codemodels-javaparserwrapperCode to wrap parsers written in Java and produce models suitable to be used in CodeModels
141,8013,570yury-ruby-stemmerStemmer implementation to ruby using libstemmer_c. Working with ruby 1.9.1
141,8013,570buttsA gem to interact with for CLI fart noises
141,8013,570cho45-gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in and object o...
141,8373,569cache_shoeEasily add caching and invalidation to RESTful clients
141,8373,569rl_hiya_srlAnother gem another day. This gem is me practing and learning how the gems work.
141,8373,569ruby_ptvA wrapper for the Public Transport Victoria API written in Ruby. The official documenta...
141,8373,569fluent-plugin-factorinput plugin for gathering factor