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Most downloads over all time
141781-141800 of all 180,702 gems.
141,7813,571leapfrog_consumer_scoreLeapfrog Online Consumer Score API wrapper
141,7813,571zlib-socsZLibs::Социализм Простая либа для работы с ресурсами социализма. Разбавляется методами ...
141,7813,571spree-line_item_discountApply promotion adjustments per items
141,7813,571jekyll-theme-isotc154-helpersHelpers for Ribose’s ISO/TC 154 Jekyll theme
141,7813,571syllableReadability test
141,7813,571fitnessTrack your fitness from the command line.
141,7813,571statsbyA toy implementation of a StatsD client in Ruby
141,7813,571cschiewek-imdbInternet Movie DataBase
141,7813,571derickA simple hello world gem
141,7813,571portunes_serverPortunes was greek god of keys, doors. This "portunes" manages SSH access for service a...
141,7813,571poe-watch-apiRuby Poe Watch API wrapper.
141,7813,571msanch60-rubycalcAn calculator implementation on ruby
141,7813,571lingohub_shieldGenerate a PNG shield for locales for the Lingohub service.
141,7813,571gmlGml is a Generic Monitor Logging module/class that provides a...
141,7813,571serviesServies helps you to build a backend for your application.
141,7813,571bitcoin_cash_register-railsUses's json API to generate 'checkout wallets' that can be associated w...
141,7813,571string-stats-rpAdds analysis methods of word_count and more to the String class.
141,7813,571spree_paypal_express_mutalisAdds PayPal Express as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce
141,7813,571tingeExtract color information into various formats from CSS/SCSS files.
141,7813,571siriproxy-exampleThis is a "hello world" style plugin. It simply intercepts the phrase "text siri proxy"...