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Most downloads over all time
141741-141760 of all 180,543 gems.
141,7393,558tabletThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
141,7393,558git-infoReads in git info from a project directory
141,7393,558guardianscraperScrapes Guardian articles.
141,7393,558sokutenSokuten is a Japanese word which means cartwheel exercise. ASCII art man rolls down you...
141,7393,558collectiveidea-tinderAn API for interfacing with Campfire, the 37Signals chat application.
141,7393,558science_cannot_measureThe latest in scientific truth
141,7393,558cache_shoeEasily add caching and invalidation to RESTful clients
141,7393,558mytemplates-stack_actions_validationWhen creating, updating, or otherwise changing stacks in AWS CloudFormation, one must s...
141,7393,558pure-place-railsThis is Yahoo's Pure CSS framework, but with sass placeholders instead of basic css. It...
141,7393,558guard-gradle-android-testGuard plugin for Android gradle test
141,7393,558datatables_serverDatatablesServer will receive a number of variables from a Datatables client and it w...
141,7393,558relate_iqRelateIQ API v2 wrapper
141,7393,558dharmarth-starlingStarling is a lightweight, transactional, distributed queue server
141,7393,558MattsFaceYes, Matt's first gem!
141,7393,558openpushedAn fully open source push notifications server
141,7393,558number_to_loveA wrapper around number_to_human
141,7393,558chef-concealAdds the decrypt helper method to the chef DSL to allow the use of encrypted attributes.
141,7393,558memberfierMemberfier imports spreadsheet files of potential members of a site and emails them rec...
141,7393,558kriterionExposes Puppet's compliance information in a REST API
141,7393,558rescuegroupsRuby wrapper for Rescuegroups API