Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
141761-141780 of all 180,702 gems.
141,7593,572sensu-plugins-hangouts-chatSensu plugins for google hangouts chat
141,7593,572swappySwap your config files with ease
141,7593,572rack-logGives a global scope logger for rack middleware
141,7593,572redirect_code_generatorGenerate redirect code
141,7593,572skip-exception-notifyingAdds `skip_notifying!` method to exceptions, which disables exception_notifier for it
141,7593,572brinkssecure and compliant cryptocurrency management
141,7593,572capistrano-rubyProvides ruby packages
141,7593,572FirstGemTest1212that's it...
141,7593,572xxteaRuby xxtea module
141,7593,572link_to_socialEasily create sharing links for all of the major social networks using a simple link_to...
141,7593,572fastlane-plugin-xcodetestcoverageplugin for getting test data from Xcode
141,7593,572dancroak-clearance-adminSimple admin function for Rails authentication.
141,7593,572darkreaper-restful-authenticationThis widely-used plugin provides a foundation for securely managing user.
141,7593,572marathon-rubyNo dependencies other than standard library
141,7593,572naknowerIn this initial build, several functions are available on the Novel object: word...
141,7593,572backtrailKeep a trail of request paths for your Rails application
141,7593,572webirrOfficial Ruby Client Library for WeBirr Payment Gateway APIs
141,7593,572envvar-railsRails integration for envvar