Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
142661-142680 of all 180,434 gems.
142,6523,507sprockets-commonjs-mindreframerAdds CommonJS support to Sprockets
142,6523,507dferranti-twitter4rA clean Twitter client API in pure Ruby. Will include Twitter add-ons also in Ruby.
142,6523,507excel2csv-binSimple command line interface to convert .xls or .xlsx files to .csv
142,6523,507daveyeu-daveyeu-nightcapLittle helpers for Capistrano
142,6523,507hexdataWith hexdata you can create and read (Intel) hex data.hexdata also calculates the check...
142,6523,507animate_css_on_railsGem for adding Animate.css support to Ruby on Rails projects
142,6523,507dvyjones-slartibartfastA pluggable IRC bot.
142,6523,507dominikh-tidy_ffiTidy library interface via FFI
142,6523,507vagrant-tmuxmeTmuxme the safe way
142,6523,507exeditEasily jump to external editors for file input!
142,6523,507ixtlan-datamappercollection of utilities for datamapper: optimistic get, conditional get, use-utc timest...
142,6723,506form_propsForm props is a Rails form builder that renders form attributes in JSON
142,6723,506coreys_frontend_gemtesting gem
142,6723,506mkaThis is a test gem
142,6723,506circlesGenerate circular graphs in SVG with animation
142,6723,506unzipperunzipper unzips to S3
142,6723,506gfd_wechatAPI, command and message handling for WeChat in Rails
142,6723,506thumbalizrGenerate screenshot of any page.
142,6723,506sidekiq-repeating-jobsSidekiq plugin that provides for singleton jobs that reschedule themselves after comple...