Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
142701-142720 of all 180,530 gems.
142,6893,517voteable_jsanchezPersonal learning voting gem
142,6893,517always_has_oneMake sure a has_one association always exists
142,6893,517acts_as_multilingualStore multilingual columns in JSON
142,6893,517dirty_nested_attributesTracks nested association changes in ActiveRecord objects. Marks all changes in paren...
142,6893,517knife-gourmetChef knife plugin to help checking the cookbooks versions on your Chef server against u...
142,6893,517animate_css_on_railsGem for adding Animate.css support to Ruby on Rails projects
142,6893,517iZsh-wwmdWWMD was originally intended to provide a console helper tool for conducting web appli...
142,6893,517dynamodb-sidekiq-schedulerLight weight job scheduling extension for Sidekiq that adds support for queueing jobs i...
142,6893,517vagrant-tmuxmeTmuxme the safe way
142,6893,517traxRails CMS/Blog
142,6893,517voltarVoltar is the mountable engine running the Dealers Portal for Shopbuses
142,7123,516raj-mail-validatorValidate email address and validate domain name for rails3
142,7123,516perfettoYet another event tracing library for Ruby.
142,7123,516github-team-removerShow empty teams on github. Teams without members or tems without repositories.
142,7123,516vagrant-provisioner-tachyonA vagrant provisioner for tachyon
142,7123,516fetch_and_processSystems need to process files. Sometimes those files reside remotely. This simple gem a...
142,7123,516eviltrout-linguisticsa framework for building linguistic utilities for Ruby objects
142,7123,516swordandboardTool to change gitconfig when pair programming.
142,7123,516airhelpTesting gem creation for airhelp test
142,7123,516dvyjones-slartibartfastA pluggable IRC bot.