Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
142721-142740 of all 180,530 gems.
142,7123,516vine_dlAuth a user in to vine and download the available videos to your computer or server.
142,7123,516sprockets-commonjs-mindreframerAdds CommonJS support to Sprockets
142,7123,516unzipperunzipper unzips to S3
142,7123,516maths_matrix_ull_etsii_lpp_t41Clases que permiten trabajar con matrices densas y dispersas
142,7123,516erik-question-feedbackStruct for question feedback.
142,7123,516tackleRuby gem for instrumenting your code
142,7123,516rack-scaffold_aimAutomatically generate RESTful CRUD services
142,7123,516studio_game_kgrThis is a tutorial gem.
142,7123,516omniauth-toshlOmniauth Strategy for
142,7123,516voteable_robert_octThe best voting gem ever.
142,7123,516whatToDoHelps you to get back in a project after some idle time or to contribute to a OpenSourc...
142,7123,516dominikh-tidy_ffiTidy library interface via FFI
142,7123,516string-stats-caThis gem adds analysis method word_count to the String class.
142,7123,516grid-proxyGrid proxy utils
142,7123,516jtl_studio_gameThis is a basic game that was designed by the Pragmatic Studio developers and created b...
142,7123,516ixtlan-datamappercollection of utilities for datamapper: optimistic get, conditional get, use-utc timest...
142,7123,516dchelimsky-rspec-storiesBehaviour Driven Development for Ruby.
142,7383,515sidekiq-repeating-jobsSidekiq plugin that provides for singleton jobs that reschedule themselves after comple...
142,7383,515voteable_tonyFirst gem by Tony Dagati
142,7383,515mkaThis is a test gem